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Social Security Disability

Osterhout Berger Daley > Practice Areas > Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are part of a government program to provide compensation for living expenses (and in most cases, medical coverage) for people unable to fully support themselves due to disability. The laws surrounding Social Security Disability benefits are complex and often confusing for both laypeople and inexperienced representatives alike.


Am I Disabled?

Accepting the term “disabled” can be difficult for individuals dealing with a mental or physical limitations. It can be hard for individuals to admit that they are unable to adequately provide for themselves or for their family. When a person has obvious mental or physical impairments that seriously limit their ability to live an independent life, Social Security Disability benefits may be the answer to giving them the ability to be self-sufficient and live their lives with dignity.


What Options Are Available?

There are two types of Social Security Disability benefits — SSD and SSI. SSD is based on the amount of taxes a person paid while he or she was able to work, just like retirement benefits are. SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is available for those who do not quality for SSD and meet the resource limitations of the SSI program. 


When Should I File for SSD Benefits?

One question we are often asked is: “When should I apply for benefits?” The answer is simple: Apply for Social Security Disability as soon as you believe you can no longer work, or think that you may be unable to work for a continuous 12-month period. The process of awarding benefits can be a lengthy one, so the sooner you apply the sooner you will have a decision.


How Can Osterhout Berger Daley Help?

The attorneys at Osterhout Berger Daley can help you navigate every level of the disability process, from initial application through appeal. 

To schedule a free and confidential consultation, either call us at 412-794-8003 (toll free at 866-438-8773) or fill out a contact form and a team member will be in touch.

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